College Republicans interview

An interview was held with Mary Turley, President of College Republicans. The meeting times of the College Republicans are Monday’s at 7 PM in the Student Union, room 314, granting some political events may occur such as speakers, which could conflict meeting times. Events can also be held outside the campus, such as going to see other political speakers or off-campus events.

The core principles are to “follow the national GOP principles… however everyone’s ideas are different but we correspond as much as we can.” The chapter does not endorse any candidates and is student based. Most Mondays have a speaker coming to the campus to discuss ideas with students. Anyone who has any interest in coming to the events is welcomed. College Republicans in open to see new members and anyone who would like to see if they coincide with any conservative values.

Mary was a long-time republican even at such a young age. She stated that she “was always a Republican” and recalls being in first grade and “being all into George Bush winning …and attending a Mitt Romney rally her freshman year of high school.”

Mary stated that the College Republicans Chapter encouraged her to be more involved in politics. She also stated that “you don’t have to be a political science major” to be interested in being a part of the chapter. Students are always encouraged to come and discuss ideas.