Let’s Talk About Stress

One of the many things you feel, possibly more so than most other feelings, is stress. Stress isn’t a great feeling nor is it easy to figure out how to get rid of it. Here are some stress relievers that I find that are helpful when I am feeling stressed out.

  1. Listening to music. By listening to music, I find that I can put on music that sounds like I am feeling, maybe something with a fast beat and that helps me work through it. Or if I am looking for something to help de-stress quickly, you can try putting on some soothing music to help clear your head.
  2. Breathing. By taking deep breaths and letting it out slowly, about 5 seconds each, it will help you focus better and help calm you down. I feel that it helps me think more clearly about what needs to get accomplished and prioritize those tasks.
  3. Getting enough sleep. I know that it seems like stating up all night trying to finish all of your work and trying to cram for a test seems like the best route to take, but it could end up hurting you. When I do this, the next morning I just feel even more tired and find it hard to focus on anything. Instead, try and get enough sleep and wake up early to finish it. That way you make sure that you are getting enough sleep and you can focus better.
  4. Take a break. I know it may seem like the pile of stuff that needs to be done is never ending and deadlines are approaching, which can make your stress level skyrocket. Take a break and walk away from what you’re working on. Do something you enjoy and then come back to what you’re working on. Taking a break can help you feel rejuvenated and help you look at something a new way. Taking time for yourself is important while trying to finish everything you need to do.
  5. Eat something you’re craving. I know stress eating is real but try not to eat everything all at once. With that being said, don’t be afraid to treat yourself every once in a while. If you’ve been working for a while and need some kind of reward for your hard work, eat something you like or are craving as a type of reward.
  6. Reward yourself. Set goals for yourself and once you achieve those goals, reward yourself with something. For example, watching one episode of a show or 20 minutes of social media usage. Small rewards can make it easier to get things accomplished.
  7. Don’t give up! Out of all of these, I think this one is most important. No matter how hard something feels or impossible it seems to get everything done. Do not give up. It may be stressful at times but focus on the bigger picture and it will make it all seem worth it in the end.

Everyone feels stressed out at some point in their life. It is okay to feel this but try not to let it get to you too much. Keep your head up and remember YOU’VE GOT THIS!!

By: Marissa White