Z88 Sports Embraces the Madness!
The WZIP Sports team has decided to have a competition as March Madness has officially begun! The brackets have come out and so have the competitive spirits. But the Sports team has decided to add a little edge to their bracket pool. The winner will not only get bragging rights around the studio, but also a sports jersey of their choice! Now, lets breakdown all of the team’s Final Fours and winner:
Kyle Molinelli- Duke, Gonzaga, Cincinnati, and North Carolina. Winner: Duke
Deontae Shahid- LSU, Gonzaga, Virginia, North Carolina. Winner: North Carolina
Justin Miller- Duke, Gonzaga, Tennessee, North Carolina . Winner: North Carolina
Neil Hassan: Duke, Michigan, Villanova, North Carolina. Winner: Duke
Anthony Barnes: Duke, Gonzaga, Virginia, North Carolina. Winner: Gonzaga
Jack Riedinger: Michigan ST, Florida ST, Wisconsin, North Carolina. Winner: Michigan
Zach Bush: Duke, Marquette, Tennessee, North Carolina. Winner: Duke
Jeff Longville: Duke, Gonzaga, Tennessee, Kentucky. Winner: Duke
John Alfieri: Duke, Syracuse, Virginia, North Carolina. Winner: Duke
Jeanette Spencer: Duke, Gonzaga, Tennessee, North Carolina. Winner: Duke
Tyler Lane: Duke, Gonzaga, Tennessee, North Carolina. Winner: Duke
Darnell Crider: Duke, Michigan, Tennessee, North Carolina. Winner: Duke
Keep in touch with us on our Twitter, @SportsPowerTalk, for live updates of our competition, as well as live on Sports Power Talk, every Sunday 11-12:30. And of course we wanna hear who you are cheering for. Let us know!